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10 Tips For a Successful Ecommerce Website

If you’re in the process of designing an ecommerce website, then you’ll want to ensure that your site is a success, and that you attract visitors and convert them into customers.
Here’s what you need to know.
1. Your website will need to be easy to navigate, so that visitors can find the sections and products they are looking for. You don’t want to make people have to hunt for things they want to buy.
2. It should be easy for visitors to find the products they’re looking for. Make sure that your categories are what your visitors are expecting to find. Split your products up into sections to make it easy for visitors to find what they need. Depending on what products you sell, you might need to categorise by colours, prices, specifications, ages, sizes, manufacturer, and usage. The easier it is for people to choose what they want, they more likely they are to buy.
3. Your search function needs to work well, and be sophisticated enough to deal with spelling mistakes for popular products or brands. You might want your visitors to be able to search in various categories, or search by feature or other criteria too.
4. Using emotional text to appeal to your visitors will also encourage them to buy form you. You’ll want to explain why they need your products, and what benefits they offer, as well as the features. Everyone know what an MP3 player is, but do prospective buyers know that they can listen to any of their entire music collection whilst on the bus, watch videos on the train, or learn another language using a podcast whilst at the gym? A designer dress isn’t just more expensive than one from a high street store, it’s buying into a lifestyle, or living like a celebrity, for example.
5. Calls to action are important too so that your visitors know what to do next. Tell them to “buy now”, or “call for best price”, or “sign up for special offers”. Don’t just assume that your visitors will know what to do next.
6. Ensure that you use high quality images so that your visitors can see your products. You might want to be able to zoom in on your products, or show aspects in more detail, or have a 360° view.
7. Make sure that you include the details that your customers need to know. If size or weight is important then include it. What information do you need before you buy similar products? How much help do you need if buying unfamiliar products? Not everyone will know your products and industry like you do.
8. It needs to be easy to add products to the basket and to checkout. You might want to allow returning customers to buy with one click, or have the products sent to them on a recurring basis. Why not look at your Analytics stats to see what percentage of visitors abandon their sale at the checkout stage? You might be surprised.
9. Don’t forget to include other products to cross sell and up sell. You’ll want to encourage laptop buyers to purchase cables, cases and a printer, and TV buyers might want a stand, DVD player, or batteries for the remote control. Let people know what they can have for different prices too, “for just £50 more you can have…” to encourage people to get a better product for not much more, and to spend more on your website.
10. Ensure that your customers know that your website is secure, and that they can trust you. Make sure that your “About Us” page inspires confidence, and that your delivery information is easy to find, in order to inspire confidence and encourage visitors to buy from you.
Now you know more about how to improve your conversion rates and turn more visitors into customers, why not make sure your website is appealing to your target audience.

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