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Jewelry Armoire Shopping – A Quick Guide to Getting One for Less

Jewelry Armoire Shopping – A Quick Guide to Getting One for Less

With so many different types and brands of jewelry armoire on the market today, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. The truth is that it really helps to know what the main features are which are available to you, and how much you should spend.

Have you ever found yourself looking all over for your jewelry? Usually it ends up strewn all over the house in a million little places (or at least that’s what happens at MY house!) Thankfully, there is a solution, and that is a high-quality jewelry armoire.

The difference between a jewelry box and an armoire is subtle, and in fact the two terms are often used interchangeably. However, a jewelry armoire tends to be larger in size, often a model with four legs which can sit on the floor. It is also likely that it will have more storage space, typically drawers or extra large compartments. Oftentimes a jewelry armoire will hold larger items, simply because it is so much bigger. By contrast a jewelry box can be as small as a travel size case capable of holding only a few items.

The most common brands of jewelry armoire are from Reed & Barton and Mele & Co. Both produce high quality boxes and sell them only through authorized reseller channels. This means you can be sure that the boxes are the highest quality possible, and also that the company selling them is able to provide you with the best possible customer service. It is best to avoid purchasing these items used from eBay, craigslist or other resale channels because jewelry armoires can often have damage or structural defects, either from the previous owner, of because they were purchased from an unauthorized channel.

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Although you often can’t tell much until you receive the item, you should be able to do quite a bit of checking in advance. First of all, make sure the jewelry armoire comes from a decent manufacturer, such as those mentioned above. All too often, cheap knockoffs are made in China or often parts of the world. While they will almost certainly be cheaper, like most things in life you really do get what you pay for. That being said, there are many high quality options available in price ranges from $100 up to $500. You also want to make sure the interior is lined, and make sure that the model you get has sufficient space to hold YOUR jewelry. If you’ve got a bunch of necklaces from your mom or grandma, make sure that you go for a larger model. But if you plan on moving the armoire around a lot, you will be much happier with a table top model – it will take up less space and be easier to shift from one part of your room to the other.

I hope this quick article was useful to you in your search for the perfect jewelry armoire! With a little time and research, it will be easy for you to find the best fit for your needs.