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Mountain Hardwear

It seems like there are so many options for outdoor gear and apparel these days. It has become hard to identify the characteristics that make one company better than another. Sure, you can pick up a gear guide and read reviews from someone who has experienced the products but it doesn?t make them a perfect match for your needs. The safest bet is to purchase gear from a reputable brand that appreciates the industry. Mountain Hardwear is a company formed by people who have been involved in the outdoors for their entire lives. Their employees sleep in bivy sacs on the sides of cliffs, heli-ski backcountry bowls in their spare time and actually use the Mountain Hardwear tents and packs that they produce. You have to admit that this makes you feel confident when you?re investing in gear.

There are many Mountain Hardwear jacket styles available to match the level of extreme that you are searching for. The famous Sub Zero Mountain Hardwear jacket protects you in bitter temperatures without putting your body at risk. A large selection of shell jackets effectively keep you dry while maintaining breathability in wet conditions. The Mountain Hardwear Monkeyman jacket will definitely be a frontrunner for fleece jacket sales this season. Not only is this Mountain Hardwear jacket stylish, but it also functions seamlessly in a variety of conditions. The Mountain Hardwear Monkeyman delivers impressive warmth to weight ratio allowing it to be used as an outer piece for around town or a layering piece for more rigorous activities. The materials used in this Mountain Hardwear jacket provide a durable, no pilling, highly breathable fabric. In addition, the Mountain Hardwear Monkeyman is accented with PowerStrech cuffs and waist to compose a perfect fit. But the Mountain Hardwear Monkeyman is only one of the technical insulating pieces from the well developed fleece line. You can always choose a high wind resistance fleece like a Mountain Hardwear Windstopper Tech jacket or a more technical fleece like the Lynx Jacket.

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Mountain Hardwear builds their gear to withstand harsh elements and has received numerous awards for launching innovative concepts into the marketplace. A full line of Mountain Hardwear sleeping bags, tents and packs make the perfect set up for any journey. The diverse line of Mountain Hardwear packs includes duffles, daypacks, backpacks and sport packs in all shapes and sizes. The revolutionary design and construction put into Mountain Hardwear packs provides unsurpassed comfort with first-rate support. Mountain Hardwear sleeping bags are designed to keep you warm in sub-zero temperatures. The filling, materials and shape help Mountain Hardwear sleeping bags deliver maximum thermal efficiency with minimal weight. The construction and materials used to build each Mountain Hardwear tent guarantees that it is equipped for severe conditions. A Mountain Hardwear tent is engineered from the ground up to provide you with the sturdiness, protection and functionality that is necessary to keep you safe. Since their beginnings 15 years ago, Mountain Hardwear has developed a full line of clothing, tents, sleeping bags and packs. Mountain Hardwear will always been a major player in the outdoor industry because of their strong commitment to providing the best gear possible.