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What You Need to Know About Buying Designer T-shirts?

In the past men were fairly unconcerned with fashion, today, however, this is no longer the case: men are equally concerned with their appearance as women. Unfortunately, many men are lacking in fashion knowledge. One area in which men seem to make the most mistakes is in buying and wearing designer t-shirts. If this sounds familiar to you, then fear now, because below we provide the guidelines to buying designer t-shirts. Follow our advice and we know you will soon be fashion ready.

Choose a Style that Suits Your Tastes and the Rest Will Follow

Many people see a style that they like, but instead choose a style that is ‘in’, or which their friend or girlfriend has recommended. This is the wrong approach to fashion because, usually, if you like a style it is because it suits who you are, and if it suits who you are it will look good. You will carry yourself with greater confidence and this in itself will make you look attractive. Our first rule, then, is to follow your instincts. You must follow this rule for your entire wardrobe and you will find that your various items of clothing are relatively uniform in style, making it easier to match your outfits.

Make Sure You Wear a Fitted T-Shirt

There really is only one type of cut that is appropriate when it comes to your t-shirt, and that is a fitted cut. Unless you wear a fitted cut, you will look less than perfect. The fit will enhance your body, no matter what your shape – even if you are overweight, it is still better to wear a t-shirt that is well fitting.

There are a few rules to ensure that your t-shirt is fitted. Firstly, the seam should rest midway on your shoulder. If it is too far to the back then the t-shirt is too big, if it is too close to the front, then it is too small.

Some manufacturers are better at creating fitted t-shirts. For example, Superdry t-shirts are particularly renowned for their great fit. Therefore, if you are in doubt, then you should stick to the brands that are tried and tested, such as Superdry t shirts; otherwise, you may find it fairly difficult to find a t-shirt that fits.

Wear a High Quality Material

Quality always looks better than non-quality clothing. Quality does not necessarily mean greater expense; there are some very good clothes on the cheaper end of the designer market that are exceptionally well built. You should try to wear t-shirts with a high concentration of cotton; 100% is the best, but you should certainly not go for a t-shirt with any less than 80% cotton, unless you are choosing another natural fibre. The rule is that manmade materials are not yet as good as natural fibres and you need a minimum of 80:20, natural: synthetic if you want your t-shirt to look good (the same goes with any types of clothing).…


Advantages of Shopping Online

The advantages of shopping online are that it is very safe and reliable to do so. You do not have to worry about carrying cash or credit cards out in public. Online you can pay for your purchases and know that no one is looking over your shoulder at your pin number if you are paying by card.
Another advantage is that you can search lots of different sites looking for the things that you want to buy. You can look at your product in pictures and see exactly what it looks like. You can read all about your product and all the features it might have or what materials it is made of. You can look for different colours and sizes and check whether they are actually in stock or whether they are going to get them in stock shortly.
Also if in one shops online you cannot find what you want you just have to click your finger to another website and look there for what you want. You can also check the prices of products and do comparisons therefore you will find the best possible bargain. You can also read reviews of what previous customers think of the products you are looking at.
Other advantages of shopping online are that you can arrange to have items delivered to your door rather than having to do shopping in a real shop and having to carry them home.
The very best advantage is that you can shop online from anywhere in the world very quickly. It could just take a couple of minutes to find what you want, pay for it and arrange to have it delivered. All this is done from the comfort of your own home.…