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A Complete Low Down On Thrift Shopping

A Complete Low Down On Thrift Shopping

We are going to discuss about open air thrift markets which sell cheap but fashionable stuff. Here is a little about why the stuff is so cheap and what you should expect there. Also there are some guide lines to shop.

Why are thrift markets so cheap?

We all know that big international giants like Zara, H&M, GAP, UCB, M&S, etc outsource their products to third world countries like India because of the cheap labour available in these countries. So that way these clothing giants get a HUGE margin on these clothes. So if there is a slight variation from the real style or design demanded on any of the pieces or a very minor defect, then the whole lot is rejected and they make their way to export surplus markets like Sarojini. So next time don’t be surprised when you come across a replica of your expensive Zara dress at a quarter of the original price!

Some tips to be kept in mind:

Take only cash with you. They don’t accept credit/debit cards of course! And keep a lot of change with you.

You can easily get lost and lose track of shops you have visited/not visited. So when you start, take note of a nearby land mark.

Bargain, bargain, bargain! Quote half the price the seller asks for. Like if he says a particular item is for $10, quote $5 in exchange. Chances are the deal will be fixed around $7!

How to know who won the deal? If the seller smiles when you leave, he won. If you smile while leaving and the seller does not, you won!

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Don’t buy everything you like. There will be a lot of pieces you will instant fall in love with but when you come home, you will realize you have no such place to wear them to!

Check the sizes properly because later you probably cant tell where exactly you bought that piece hence no exchange! Don’t go by the labels, most of the times they are flawed.

Check for tears and stains. If there is something you can’t fix, LEAVE even if it breaks your heart. Some of the items could be slightly dirty because of the huge distance they had to travel but if its easily washable, then DON’T LEAVE. But ALWAYS wash before wearing.

In summers when its frigging hot, take a water bottle with you and wear some scarf or hat.

ALWAYS take some one with you. I always take my guy with me who is reasonable and smartand keeps me from buying everything out there. Example:

Me: Omg! Its so pretty! Its sequined. Its blingy. Me wanttt!

He: Where will you wear it?

Me: err..class?

He: *raised eyebrow*

Me: Okay okay got it. Huh!

So you see its important to take someone smart with you! Or else you will end up with a huge pile of clothes you can’t wear anywhere.

You can get all the latest styles like neon, sequined, etc. Its not wrong to call thrift markets a poor man’s fashion mecca.