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Choosing A Fashion Designer Career

If you are interested in color combinations, putting together attractive outfits and have an eye for fabrics, a fashion designer career may just be the thing for you. It is a world of excitement when you are creating something that has never been seen before. The exhilaration of a runway presentation, of your very own designs, is a way to show talent, imagination and a flair for the unusual.
To become a designer it will be necessary for you to attend a Fashion Design School. Employers in this field are usually looking for someone with a 2-year or a 4-year degree in clothing design. To be successful in this field it is necessary for you to know fabrics, textiles, ornamentation and current clothing trends.
The institutions with these programs must be accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design and many have certain entry requirements. In most schools, to obtain formal entry into the program, basic art and design courses must be completed. Sketches, showing your artistic ability must also be submitted.
The classes in the schools include a study of past fashions and a hands-on experience in things such as creating patterns and designing an outfit. Color, textiles, computer design and various types of clothing design are included. All of these will be very useful if you decide to run your own business or a retail store.
Many schools have at least one runway presentation where you can show your own creation for everyone to see. This is where sewing and pattern making skills come to the fore, even though, as a designer you would probably not be involved in this part of a project. Employers, seeking to add to their staff, often attend these presentations.
The various jobs that are available, with this degree, include entry level positions as Assistant Buyer, Pattern Maker, Assistant Designer, Clothing Stylist, Wardrobe Assistant, Visual Merchandise Manager, Sales Representative, or Marketing Assistant. Once you are working, at one of these entry level positions, there are many opportunities to reveal your talent in clothing design.
Completion of the classes, and a degree, will prepare you to officially enter a fashion designer career. At the beginning you will continue learning the tricks of the trade while acquiring experience and enjoying the excitement of new fabrics and designs. If your interest is in this field it will be the fulfillment of a dream come true. Salaries in this industry vary from state to state and depend on one’s position. A beginning salary would be approximately $40,000 per year with a top designer over $100,000.

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